Author: Christie

  • Kombucha Part 2

    Kombucha Part 2 So, how are you doing? Have you started your kombucha yet? Let me know by commenting! Many of you are curious about Kombucha – Here’s some info to get you started! What is Kombucha Kombucha is made from sweetened tea (usually black tea, but sometime green tea as well) fermented by a…

  • Kombucha Part 1

    Kombucha Part 1

    Kombucha Part .5 I had to add a .5 to this series because many of you do not have people you can ask to give you a kombucha Scoby. So, here is a way to make kombucha from scratch… SCOBY from Scratch:  3 1/2 cups boiling water 1/2 cup white sugar – Dissolve completely 4…

  • Hormone Types (Body Types)

    Hormone Types (Body Types)

    What your body says about your hormones.