204 Lowe Ave. SE, Suite 5 Huntsville, AL
Clinic Hours:

Office hours T & Th 10-6pm
Telehealth M & W 9-5

Clinic Number

(256)-801-9162 (o)
(256)-469-3088 (c)

Consulting and Coaching – We help you identify foods and lifestyle choices that are best for you and your body and teach you how to achieve optimal health. Our practitioners are trained to provide consulting and coaching in health and wellness, marriage and life in general. We will combine your assessment outcomes to create the best lifestyle options for you. We have several coaching options including self-paced online programs 

Emotional wellness – Emotional wellness is important when healing. Excessive stress in any form will diminish your immune system and effect your health and wellness. Whether your stress is from your job, marriage or certain situations in your life right now, past experiences or health concerns, managing that stress is imperative to good health. Consulting, coaching, counseling, and spiritual counseling are options to help you learn what you can do now to reach your goal of a healthy and improved quality of life.

Professional Counseling – We have several professional counselors available to work with you to help with your health goals in an integrated and holistic way. We offer integrated mental health services for those looking for more holistic ways to manage mental health – More

Spiritual counseling – Our providers encourage your spiritual walk to improve your life as you travel your health journey. We let you lead the way.