204 Lowe Ave. SE, Suite 5 Huntsville, AL
Clinic Hours:

Office hours T & Th 10-6pm
Telehealth M & W 9-5

Clinic Number

(256)-801-9162 (o)
(256)-469-3088 (c)


Physical or Mental Health Issues?

Fix them NOW, naturally!

Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Foggy thinking, Auto-immune

Welcome to
Alabama Holistic Health

COUNSELING & Health Coaching

We offer professional mental health counseling, health consulting, Ketamine integration, and lifestyle coaching to help you on your journey to health. We want to partner with you to reach your goals.


Neuro- & Bio- Therapies, including EMDR, Auriculotherapy, PEMF, Homeopathics, herbal supplements, Ketamine integration, and ChromoTherapy, provide several non-invasive ways to help the mind & body heal from many health impacts including trauma!


We conduct a thorough bio-psycho-social assessment for every client. A variety of assessments may be offered to discover and confirm underlying health concerns that may contribute to your presenting issues.

Not in the greater Huntsville area?

Visit the ALHH Academy